Chapter Eight


Nayla sat by herself in front of the campfire watching and waiting for Mace to come back from his trek. He'd left her with a kiss and a promise that he'd return well before sunrise. When she'd asked him where he was going, he'd refused to answer, only telling her that she'd be safe and warning her not to attempt an escape.

A new surge of anger flamed her cheeks and she crushed another dry leaf in her hand. Confused and irritated, she wondered for the hundredth time how he could go from warm and adoring to commanding and superior in a matter of moments. Add the fact that he'd left her alone with the three females from his pack and she might as well forget sleeping. She'd gotten only a couple hours of rest after the encounter in the rock shelter.

Her insides heated at the memory of Mace's unrelenting passion. She couldn't deny her love for him no matter how angry he made her. No matter that he'd taken her from her home.

Her home. Another emotion, sadness, took hold of her but she held back the tears burning at the back of her eyes. She'd stay strong. She was still Queen of Paqualette, after all, and crying wasn't an option.

She certainly hadn't cried when Livia had woken her abruptly and helped her wash up and dress--per Mace's orders. The Were hadn't seemed happy about the task and Nayla had had to bite her tongue to keep from having it out with the female wolf. She wasn't used to being treated as a commoner--no, less than a commoner.

But then Nayla remembered the harsh reality--the reason behind Livia's anger. Nayla had imprisoned her pack, leaving them for dead in the castle's dungeon. She couldn't help but wonder if she'd ever be forgiven for her ignorance.

Or if they wanted revenge.

A chill crept up her spine but she didn't dare glance around to catch the attention of the three Weres left at camp. Would they want her punished for her actions? Why wouldn't they? Wouldn't she do the same for her people?

How would she have known any better, though? Her only experience with a werewolf had left her an orphan. And all the tales she'd heard of the savage war with the Weres hadn't helped with her judgment then--or now.

The sound of leaves crunching startled her from her thoughts and from the corner of her eye, she saw one of them approach in its wolf form. She shivered and tried to gulp down the heavy knot of fear in her throat. What was taking Mace so long?

The sandy-haired werewolf wasn't as large as the others. Nayla guessed it was Blanca, the petite blonde with the cute heart-shaped face and amber eyes that reminded Nayla of autumn leaves. Blanca had been the kindest to Nayla so far. Well, she'd been the one who didn't seem to loathe her very presence.

"Did you eat?" Blanca's usual soft voice came out in a gravelly tone.

Nayla relaxed a little and faced the Were, who looked more like a friendly dog. "Yes, thank you for asking." The cooked rabbit churned in her stomach but at least they hadn't expected her to eat it raw.

Blanca sat on her haunches close to Nayla's side. Nayla had an urge to reach out and pet the soft coat of fur, but thought the Were might find it condescending.

"Are you frightened of me, Nayla?" Blanca's amber eyes met her dead on.

How could she answer this without offending? Before she could stop herself, she began to blather. "I'm only fearful of what I don't know. I had an awful experience as a child. It skewed my judgment of Weres and," she blew out a calming breath and straightened her posture, "I apologize to you and your pack for hurting and imprisoning you. I hope that someday you can forgive me."

Blanca snickered. "Mace likes you enough for all of us. His approval of you is all I need."

"I see."

"I only hope you don't take it for granted."

Nayla picked up another dry leaf from the ground and crumpled it between her fingers. "What do you mean, exactly? What would I take for granted?"

"Don't you know?" One side of Blanca's black lips quirked up, showing a sharpened tooth. "Mace hasn't explained what you mean to him?"

Nayla shook her head and listened carefully to what Blanca had to say next. Any insight to the crazy path her life had taken the past twenty four hours would be much welcomed.

"He's claimed you as his mate, Nayla. When you made love on the balcony, the pack witnessed as he promised he is yours and you are his." Blanca cocked her head. "For the rest of eternity, Mace will be faithful to you. He'll protect, fight and care for you. He'll honor and do right by you."

The meat in Nayla's stomach roiled uneasily. At the same time, her heart fluttered with hope. For the first time, she dared to ask herself if she could give up her country to be with Mace. With his pack.

Blanca let out a husky laugh. "It's not all roses and sunshine, though. He must be your equal, your partner in life, through all hardships. You must give all yourself to him, as well, and forget about your past."

And relinquish her duty to her country? "What if I can't do that?"

Blanca sighed. "I was hoping you wouldn't ask that. He's never chosen a mate before. He'd once told me about a wife he'd had as a human. Her name was Elizabeth. The sickness that had changed us into Weres killed his woman and their unborn child."

"That's terrible." Nayla had heard tales of the epidemic that struck a quarter of the world's population over a hundred years ago, killing most and transforming others into werewolves. To think Mace had at one time been human...and that he'd loved another woman. She attempted to push away the irrational jealousy, but couldn't help but ask, "And he's never loved anyone else?"

Blanca stared up at the moon, basking in it and continued. "He told me he was so heart-stricken, he'd become a recluse, journeying across the continent. Many years later he found and rescued me and Kaige from a Vampire slave ring. He put us under his protection, made us family. Over the decades, he allowed few others into this pack. Some would stay. Some would go. But," Blanca peeked at Nayla from the corner of her amber eye, "he never once claimed a mate. Until you."

Before Nayla had a chance to digest that information, another Were crept into the camp's circle. Out of habit, she tensed and wrapped her arms around herself protectively. But, of course, the Were didn't attack her. The Weres in Mace's pack had proved to be harmless so far.

Livia settled at the other side of the fire. "If you want my opinion--"

"She doesn't," Blanca interrupted.

Livia flashed her teeth and growled. "The Queen Bee can speak for herself. Honestly, I think she's better off sitting pretty on her little throne with her servants at her beck and call. She's not right for the Were life. Mace just hasn't looked past his lust to see that. Yet."

Nayla would've been angry at Livia's comments but she'd always thrived on a challenge. "I can promise you, wolf, I'm all the woman Mace needs."

"Until the next full moon when you find him with me." Livia's words added grease to the fire burning in Nayla's heart.

She stood and faced the Were, ready to fight for Mace. "You little beast. Who do you think you are?"

The Were showed her teeth and growled, causing Nayla to step back. What was she thinking, provoking the wolf?

"Livia," Blanca barked. "Mace chose her as his mate. Have some respect." She turned to Nayla. "Don't let her get to you. She's only jealous she wasn't chosen. She's wanted to be his mate since the day she joined us five years ago."

Another growl rumbled in Livia's chest. She arched her back, threatening to pounce. Nayla froze as horrific memories of blood, torn flesh and horrible loss flashed through her mind. Her breath sat heavy in her chest, burning her lungs.

Blanca quickly blocked Nayla's view of the raging Were, but nothing could stop the fear pulsing at her temples.

"Livia!" Mace's jarring voice roared threateningly from deep within the shadows of the forest outlining the camp.

Livia yelped out a whine similar to a child being scorned. "I wasn't going to do anything," she pleaded. "She provoked me."

Blanca chuckled quietly as she eased back and sat by Nayla again. "This should be good," she whispered only loud enough for Nayla to hear. "Livia's a goner. I've been waiting five long years for this."

"What?" God, was Mace going to hurt Livia? Because of her? She wouldn't let him. She'd seen enough violence in her lifetime. And she refused to sit back and watch it happen again.

* * * * *

Mace transformed into human form as Nayla ran toward him, her eyes wide and wild. Oh, hell. What had Livia done? He left his companions behind and met her halfway to the campfire.

With all her body, she jumped up on him and nearly tackled him to the ground. He staggered but stood strong as she wrapped her legs around his waist and clung to him, vulnerable and human.

"Nayla." He held her tight against him and inhaled her scent, a mixture of Livia's pine soap and salty tears. Tears? He smoothed his hands over her body, checking for injuries. "Love, are you hurt?"

She shook her head against his neck as her body shook with sobs. "Take me away from here so they don't see me cry," she whispered. "Please."

Mace shot Livia a warning glare and she cowered. He'd have to deal with her later, after he comforted Nayla. If he'd had any idea his mate would be in any danger, he never would've left her. He'd counted on his female Weres to protect her from harm while he was away. If he couldn't trust Livia, she'd have to leave the pack for good. There was no way around it.

He carried Nayla to a patch of grass out of the camp's sight and settled down with her in his lap. With careful hands, he lifted her chin and examined her face.

She pushed him away and hit his chest. "I'm so angry with you I could scream." More tears streamed down her pale cheeks.

"I'm sorry, Nayla. I didn't know Livia would be a threat to you."

"That's not it." She gulped down a sob and his heart ached. "That's not why I'm mad."

He didn't want to ask what caused her anger. He already knew and there wasn't anything he would or could do about it. She belonged with him. He refused to give her up.

Even if he had to let her go temporarily-- No, he wouldn't discuss that with her yet. He'd spent his whole Were life lonely and incomplete. Now that he had in his arms what had been missing for all those years... Now that he found love again, he couldn't bear to part with it. With her.

Tell her you love her.

Mace hadn't spoken those words in over a hundred years. They were lost in the recesses of his mind. They'd been unnecessary. Pointless. Until now. He drew out a breath. Did she need to hear them? His human mate, so frail and small in his arms, yet so strong-minded and stubborn.

"Nayla--" he began but his thoughts melted away when she reached up and cradled his jaw.

She had determination in her glistening green eyes. "I won't allow you to harm Livia."

"What?" Not what he'd been expecting to hear and it tore the hell out of his pride. "What do you think of me, Nayla? After all our time together, do you still believe me to be a monster?"

"No," she said right away, alleviating some of his pain. "I don't know. I heard the tone of your voice. And how Livia whined. Then Blanca said, well, she acted as if Livia was going to be punished."

"She will be. I intend to banish her from my pack for frightening you like that. You're my mate. You're to be respected."

Nayla's shoulders visibly relaxed. "Banish her? That's it?"

"That's a lot. A Were is privileged to be a member of my pack. To be under my protection." He didn't know why he felt the need to defend himself. It wasn't something he was used to.

"Of course." She swiped away her tears and straightened her shoulders, always the regal Queen. "I suppose I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions."

"No, you shouldn't have." He shoved down the irritation when she licked her lips, making them moist for kissing. "Yes, I would kill for you," he said, hunger unconcealed in his voice. "But only if it were necessary. I'm not a monster, Nayla. Will you ever see that?"

"I see it, Mace. I do." She took the edge of her dress and wiped her moist cheeks, removing any trace of the weakness she'd just shown. She rotated her body slightly and the heat of her pussy brushed over his thigh, tempting him.

The wolf in him yearned to press her onto her stomach on the grass and take her the way an animal would, the way he longed to. But that would have to wait for a little while longer. He hadn't left her alone for hours upon hours today without a purpose. No, there was a reason for Mace's every action. And he hoped his actions today would prove to be wise.

He gathered her soft curves against him and pecked her lips. "I have a surprise for you."